ROR Consulting | How Modules work in ruby on rails.

In Ruby on Rails, a module is a collection of methods, constants, and class variables that can be included in a class or another module. It allows for the organization and reuse of code.

Modules in Ruby on Rails can be used in a number of ways, including:

  1. Namespacing: Modules can be used to group together related functionality and prevent naming conflicts with other code.
  2. Mixins: Modules can be mixed into a class using the “include” keyword, allowing the class to access the methods defined in the module.
  3. Inheritance: Modules can be used as a base class for inheritance, allowing a class to inherit the methods and constants defined in the module.

When creating a module in Ruby on Rails, it is common practice to use a naming convention that reflects the module’s purpose or the functionality it contains.

For example, a module named “Authentication” might contain methods related to user authentication and authorization, while a module named “PaymentProcessor” might contain methods for processing payments.

It’s also important to consider the accessibility and visibility of the methods and constants defined in a module. Methods defined as “private” or “protected” will only be accessible within the module or the classes that include it, while methods defined as “public” will be accessible everywhere.

To utilize a module in your Rails application, you need to include the module in the class or module where it will be used, and then call the methods defined in the module.

In summary, modules in Ruby on Rails are a way to organize and reuse code, allowing for more efficient and maintainable codebase.